To live
A world where we can enjoy living
We want to contribute to the well-being of inhabitants, housing professionals, our teams, suppliers and partners. Offering every possible solution for building, renovating, furnishing and decorating one’s home means participating in the life projects of the world’s inhabitants. And whether you are a teenager, a student, a young couple, a family, a baby-boomer…, you know how important it is to have a “home” and how much it contributes to your daily fulfilment.
And because we can’t serve the well-being of people without being a great company to work for, we strive every day to ensure that our 110,000 leaders grow in their jobs and achieve their full potential through a unique culture.
Together, with all those who share our values, our employees, our partners and our suppliers, we endeavour to make our environment and our planet a better place to live, thanks to our human interactions and the initiatives we take.
Our ambition is to enable everyone to live in a positive home.
92 %
merchant suppliers under contract with the ADEO purchasing office
have signed the ethical code of conduct for responsible purchasing
73 %
of respondents
say they are happy in their homes, reveals the «GoodHome» report
18 %
of household income
is dedicated to the home
Our impacts
Each year, our extra-financial statement reports on the measurement of our impacts on both human and environmental aspects.
Our strategy is now taking on a new dimension by placing impact at the heart of our concerns.