A positive place
Towards a positive home
For us, a positive home is a healthy, safe and comfortable place where we feel good, one that evolves along with us as our lives change and especially, that respects the environment and its natural resources. A positive home is a home that produces energy (solar, wind), water (recovery), food (garden) and even raw materials (recovered and recycled waste).
The home must continue to be a place for happy projects, where everyone acts responsibly, making the right choices and being well advised.
Conscious of our role, we are building the worldwide platform for a positive home to enable everyone to access effective and innovative solutions, wherever they are. In our stores and on our marketplaces, we offer environmentally friendly products, the result of collaborative and responsible work with our suppliers and partners. Because it is together that we can act for our planet, by producing, marketing and consuming positively. Everyone at his or her level has a role to play.
of our manufacturing plants
are compliant with A, B and C scores following a quality audit
Restricted Substances List
contains the list of substances that must be banned or restricted in our products
is a label that guarantees the conformity of the product
with specific regulations on hazardous substances and the general obligation of safety
Positive solutions
Living in a healthy, safe, responsible, sustainable, frugal and comfortable environment is an essential condition for the well-being of inhabitants.
By creating and making available solutions for the home that have a positive impact on the environment, we contribute to carbon neutrality and the preservation of the planet, our common home.