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ADEO commits to making its website accessible in accordance with article 47 of law no. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005. To this end, ADEO has commissioned an RGAA 4.1.2 (French reference framework for accessibility improvement) compliance audit with Temesis.


The multi-annual accessibility plan as well as the action plans are currently being drafted and will be published shortly. This accessibility statement applies to the website:



The website is not compliant with the French reference framework for accessibility improvement.
The non-conformities are listed below.



The RGAA 4.1.2 compliance audit carried out by Temesis reveals that:

• 33.33 % of RGAA criteria are complied with.



• Number of compliant criteria: 20

• Number of non-conform criteria: 40

• Number of criteria not applicable: 46


You can view the detailed audit report in PDF format (available in French only)



The content does not comply with the criteria listed below:

List of non-conform criteria:
1.1 Does every image which carries information have a text alternative?
1.2 Is every decorative image correctly ignored by assistive technologies?
2.1 Does every frame have a frame title?
3.1 On each web page, information must not be provided solely by colour. Is this rule complied with?
3.2 On each web page, is the contrast between the colour of text and its background colour high enough (except in special cases)?
3.3 On each web page, are the colours used in the interface components or the graphic elements which carry information sufficiently contrasted (except in special cases)?
4.1 Where necessary, does each pre-recorded time-based media have a text transcription or audio description (except in special cases)?
4.7 Is each time-based media clearly identifiable (except in special cases)?
6.1 Is each link explicit (except in special cases)?
6.2 On each web page, does every link have a title?
7.1 Where necessary, is each script compatible with assistive technologies?
7.3 Can each script be controlled from the keyboard or any other pointing device (except in special cases)?
7.5 On each web page, are status messages correctly rendered by assistive technologies?
8.1 Is each web page defined by a document-type?
8.2 On each web page, is the source code generated valid according to the type of document specified (except in special cases)?
8.3 Is the default language present on each web page?
8.6 For every web page with a page title, is this title pertinent?
8.7 On each web page, is every change of language indicated in the source code (except in special cases)?
8.9 On each web page, tags must not be used solely for the purposes of presentation. Is this rule complied with?
9.1 On each web page, is the information structured through the appropriate use of titles?
9.2 Is the document structure consistent on each web page (except in special cases)?
9.3 On each web page, is each list correctly structured?
10.1 On the website, are style sheets used to control the presentation of information?
10.2 On each web page, does the visible content which carries information remain present when the style sheets are deactivated?
10.3 On each web page, does the information remain understandable when the style sheets are deactivated?
10.7 On each web page, is the focus indicator visible for each element receiving focus?
10.9 On each web page, information must not be provided solely by shape, size or position. Is this rule complied with?
10.11 For each web page, can the content be presented without loss of information or functionality and without the need to either scroll vertically for a window with a height of 256 px, or to scroll horizontally for a window with a width of 320 px (except in special cases)?
10.12 On each web page, can the text spacing properties be redefined by the user without losing content or functionality (except in special cases)?
10.13 On each web page, can the user control additional content which appears when focused on or hovered over by an interface component (except in special cases)?
11.1 Does each form field have a label?
11.10 In each form, is data input control used appropriately (except in special cases)?
11.13 Can the purpose of an input field be deduced to facilitate autofill for user data fields?
12.1 Does each set of pages have at least two different browsing systems (except in special cases)?
12.6 Can the areas of content-grouping present on several web pages (header, main browsing, main content, footer and search engine areas) be reached or avoided?
12.7 Is there a link present on each web page to avoid or quickly access the main content area (except in special cases)?
12.8 Is the tab order consistent on each web page?
13.3 Does every downloadable office document have an accessible version, if necessary, on each web page (except in special cases)?
13.8 On each web page, is the user able to control all moving or flashing content?
13.9 On each web page, is the content on offer viewable regardless of the screen’s orientation (portrait or landscape) (except in special cases)?


Exemptions for disproportionate load



Content not subject to the obligation of accessibility

Third party content that is neither funded nor developed by the entity in question and that is not under its control:

• The captcha puzzle module on the Contact page (

• The cookie management module

• The video player: Vimeo



This statement was drawn up on 28 July 2023.


Technology used to execute the website



• Javascript


Test environment

The web page tests were carried out with the following combinations of internet browsers and screen readers:

• NVDA 2023.1, Firefox 115

• Jaws 22, Firefox 115

• Voiceover, Safari sur MacOS 13.1

• Voiceover, Safari sur iOS 16.2


The following tools were used during assessment:

• WCAG contrast checker​

• HeadingsMap​

• Web developer​

• Stylus


Web pages that underwent compliance checks


Home page


Legal Noticies





Home Archives


Positive Impacts

Positive Home





If you are unable to access content or a service, you can contact the website officer and be directed to an accessible alternative or obtain the content in another format.
Send a message via our contact form




This procedure should be used in the following situation.

You reported an accessibility defect to the website officer which prevents you from accessing content or one of the services and you did not receive a satisfactory response.

• Write a message to the Rights Defender
• Contact the Rights Defender delegate in your region
• Send a letter via the post (free, no stamp required)
Rights Defender
Libre réponse 71120
75342 Paris Cedex 07